Jett Plasma

Jett Plasma is state-of-the-art technology that’s used for skin tightening and non-surgical skin lifting. It is used for non-surgical eyelifts, eye bags, tightening skin on the neck and around the mouth, hand rejuvenation as well as mole, skin tag and wart removal.

Unlike many of the other plasma devices on the market, the Jett Plasma pen uses a direct current (DC) rather than an alternating current (AC) which allows it ‘scan’ the skin as well as dot. This means it is more versatile, can be used over larger areas without creating as much damage and the downtime can be less than that of other plasma devices.

Performed by: Aesthetic Doctor

Area: Around the eyes, neck, hand

Treatment Plan: Single Treatment lasts 12 months

Prices Starting From

€150 Book an Appointment


The Jett Plasma treatment uses ‘plasma’ – the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas. It is an ionized gas that becomes highly charged and acts almost like a little lightning bolt that effectively vapourises or ‘sublimates’ the excess skin leaving a fine crusting that disappears after a week or so. The removal of the excess tissue and the heat generated effectively tightens the skin and boost collagen production. Jett is a low-temperature plasma device which means it can be used on the person’s face and body. Because the current is continuously in one direction it has an advantage over the alternative current versions in terms of control and the size and depth of the area is meets. This means the treatment is more precise and the downtime may be shorter.
Jett Plasma offers a non-surgical alternative to many skin conditions that previously only surgery could achieve. The procedure can be used for: Non-surgical eyelid lifting (non-surgical blepharoplasty) Removal of creases or wrinkles around the mouth (smokers’ lines) and eyes (crow’s feet) Removal of skin tags, fibromas, and warts Improving acne scarring Reducing pigment spots Reducing stretch marks and loose skin Skin lifting and tightening on face, neck and body including brows lifts and crow’s feet Hand rejuvenation. In addition to removing excess skin to give a lifted effect it also promotes collagen production for a long-term skin rejuvenation benefit. It does not require a general anaesthetic and many procedures can be done in less than an hour, with results that can last up to five years.
A local anaesthetic is usually given, this may be an injection or a via numbing cream, depending on the area being treated. For example, mole removal will need an anaesthetic injection while the non-surgical eyelift will usually be done with numbing cream. When the plasma connects with the skin there may be a sensation of heat. Depending on your pain threshold this may be mild discomfort which subsides as soon as the procedure is over. The eye area and the area around the mouth can be quite sensitive and may be more painful.
Side effects include inflammation and flushing of the treated area which may last for two up to three days. Around the eye area it may last longer – up to ten days and there may be swelling that may last a few days. Sleeping with some extra pillows to keep the head elevated can help. There will also be crusting or small dot like scabs on the skin which will last for a week to ten days. It is important not to pick or scratch the area and allow the crusts to disappear without interference. If it is a mole that has been treated an area equivalent to the size of the mole will crust. The scab will drop of within 1-2 weeks. Do not put any makeup on for at least 24 hours after the treatment.